Entrance, parking lots, entertainment free.
The "Marché de Printemps"
at Pépinière du Mandarin
Sunday April 16, 2023
As part of Marché de Printemps, local artisans and producers exhibit their creations and their productions: honey, olive oil, Provence wine, jams, goat cheese, artisan knives, lavender essence, etc ...
You will find free activities for children with the presence of a bouncy castle as well as a drawing - painting workshop.
You will attend demonstrations of secular trades: the size of olive tree, the size of stone, ironwork, .....
Free visit of the nursery and free access to the breeding of ornamental animals..
We propose a small meal for noon (grills, drinks, pancakes at low prices) and hot or cold drinks all day during.
The farmers and artisans
of the Var department await you ...
... come with your family!